Roasting and Grilling
Roasting is a method of cooking food:
1) In an open pot over a glowing fire, e.g. roasted groundnuts.
2) On a grid over smokeless cinders or charcoal, e.g. roasted plantains.
3)In hot ash or sand, e.g, toasted sweet potatoes or cassava.
4) In a little oil in a pot(pot roasting, e.g. chicken, whole piece of meat.
Grilling is a method of cooking under, in front or over an open smokeless fire, from an electric element or gas burner directed down on to the food. It is a quick way of cooking.
Grilling is mostly used for meat and fish.
General Rules for Roasting and Grilling
1) Only the best quality food should be used.
2) Use only tender cuts of meat and pieces of fish.
3) Using a hot, glowing, smokeless fire to brown the food quickly.
4) Heat the grid before using it; this helps to brown the food quickly.
5) Grease wet food before placing it on the grid, e.g, fish and meat. This prevents them from sticking and also drying up.
6) Turn foods repeatedly to prevent overcooking on one side.
7) See that the pot or sand for roasting is clean.
8) Use a wooden spoon for stirring groundnuts in a pot, to ensure even roasting. Put a handful of clean sand in the pot when roasting the groundnuts. When roasting groundnuts, this will facilitate good results.
9)Foods roasted in sand or ash should not be peeled before roasting. The skin acts as a protective covering.
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