
Showing posts from July 23, 2022

Health and Wellness

Vitamins Vitamins are chemical substances that are essential to life. They protect the body from diseases, and they are needed for good health and proper nourishment. Vitamins are present in small amount in many foods, but a sufficient quantity of them can be obtained if a variety of food is eaten daily. Vitamin A (fat-soluble) promotes general good health, growth and development. A deficiency of this vitamin in the diet is the cause of loss of weight, a low resistance to infection and eye trouble. It is present mainly in palm oil, okra, all green and yellow vegetables and fruits, dairy products, eggs, liver and fish liver oils and animal fat, but not in lard. This vitamin is not affected by ordinary cooking temperature, but it is destroyed by prolonged heating or in the presence of air. Vitamin B group These are water-soluble vitamins. They are often present together in the same foods. They are resistant to ordinary cooking temperatures, but are destroyed by milling, as in t...