Health and Wellness
Vitamins are chemical substances that are essential to life. They protect the body from diseases, and they are needed for good health and proper nourishment.
Vitamins are present in small amount in many foods, but a sufficient quantity of them can be obtained if a variety of food is eaten daily.
Vitamin A (fat-soluble) promotes general good health, growth and development. A deficiency of this vitamin in the diet is the cause of loss of weight, a low resistance to infection and eye trouble.
It is present mainly in palm oil, okra, all green and yellow vegetables and fruits, dairy products, eggs, liver and fish liver oils and animal fat, but not in lard.
This vitamin is not affected by ordinary cooking temperature, but it is destroyed by prolonged heating or in the presence of air.
Vitamin B group
These are water-soluble vitamins. They are often present together in the same foods. They are resistant to ordinary cooking temperatures, but are destroyed by milling, as in the removal of the germ and husk in white flour and polished rice or the removal of husk in maize.
Furthermore, they are also destroyed by a high temperature and prolonged cooking by sterilization and the use of alkali.
The best known vitamins in the group are :
1)Vitamin B 1 (or thiamine)
2)vitamin B 2 or riboflavin
3)Nicotine acid
Vitamin B 1-(thiamine)-A deficiency of this vitamin in the diet is the cause of tiredness, headache, nervousness and sleeplessness. A person suffering from this deficiency becomes depressed, irritable and quarrelsome. A total absence in the diet results in the disease known as beriberi
Vitamin B1 is present mainly in the germ of cereals, in brown groundnuts, peas and beans, and in yeast and its manufactured products e.g. yeast extracts and also fermented cereals.
Vitamin B 2 or riboflavin-This vitamin promotes growth in the young and protects the body against skin disease.
It is present mainly in liver, wholemeal, bread, eggs, beef and yeast.
Nicotine acid-This promotes growth in children. Irritability, loss of memory, dizziness, diarrhea, digestive upsets and sore tongue are all signs of deficiency of nicotine acid.
Nicotine acid is present in the same foods as those in which riboflavin is present.
Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) is also water-soluble and is present in fresh fruits, particularly the citrus fruits, vegetables e.g. cabbage, okra and tomatoes, germinated pulses, animal foods such as fresh liver, fresh meat and in small quantities in fresh milk and potatoes. Its function is to maintain resistance to infection.
Vitamin D, like vitamin A is soluble in fat. It is resistant to heat. The body obtains vitamin D from sources : food and the effect of sunlight on the skin-which gives it the name 'sunshine vitamin'. It is essential for the growth of the bones and teeth. It is, therefore, of special importance to infants and children and to expectant mothers. Lack of vitamin D in the diet of infants and children causes rickets and the early decay of teeth. It is present in animal products e.g. fatty fish such as herrings, fish-liver oils and diary products.
Vitamin E aids reproduction and lactation. It is present in wheat germ or embryo of cereals, groundnuts, green vegetables, meat, milk and eggs.
Vitamin K is essential for normal clotting of the blood and is present in green plants e.g. cabbage and green peas. A well-balanced meal prevents deficiency of this vitamin.
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