Coco-yam Soup

500g meat 2 tomatoes 1/2 pig's foot 750ml water 1 large onion Salt and pepper to taste 3 or 4 coco-yam 1 desertspoon tomato paste 1)Cut and soak pig's foot for 30 minutes. Wash well. 2)Wash and cut the meat into small pieces. Put in a saucepan, add pig's foot, water, and salt, bring to the boil and skim. 3)Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes until the meat is almost tender. Add the ground or chopped onion, pepper and tomatoes. Cover the saucepan and continue simmering. 4) Peel, cut and wash coco-yam. Add to the soup. Add tomato paste and a little more salt if necessary. Simmer the soup gently until the coco-yam is soft. Mash them in the soup or leave them whole.


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