Fish Soup
500g fresh or smoked fish
(thick cuts or head of large fish)
3 tomatoes
2 garden eggs(optional)
3 small okras(optional)
1 large onion
Salt and pepper to taste
1 desserspoon tomato paste
1) Clean, wash and prepare fish. Cut in neat pieces, or flake smoked fish and add salt.
2) Put fish into saucepan and add some water with some grated onion. Bring to the boil and simmer for 4 minutes.
3) Remove the pieces of fish. Add the remaining water to the fish stock. Wash vegetables and add sopu. Bring to the boil and simmer gently until vegetables are tneder.
4) Remove them and grind or mash. Strain and return to soup. Add tomatto paste. Season. Continue simmering with the lid on for about 15 minutes. Add the fish and simmer for another 5-10 minutes
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