Methods of Cooking

Frying Frying involves cooking in hot oil. It requires constant and careful attention. It is, therefore not an easy method, but it is very quick and not suitable for tough meat. 1)Shallow Frying a) Just enough fat is used to cover the surface of the frying pan and to prevent burning. The food needs turning. This method is sutibale for frying pan cakes, lver, omellettes, fish, plantain, meat etc. b)For sauteing, a small amountof fat is used. The fat will be absorbed by the food which is lightly tossed into it. This method is used for the preliminary cooking of soups, stews and sauces. 2) Dry Frying This is suitbale for oily food which gives out enough of its own oil heated, e.g bacon. 3) Deep, French or wet Frying A deep strong sauce pan is usedf and the fat should be enough to cover the food to be fried. As the oil seals up the outside, it also prevents it from becoming falored. This methdo ensures that the food is evenly cooked.


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