
Showing posts from August, 2022

Methods of Cooking

Frying Frying involves cooking in hot oil. It requires constant and careful attention. It is, therefore not an easy method, but it is very quick and not suitable for tough meat. 1)Shallow Frying a) Just enough fat is used to cover the surface of the frying pan and to prevent burning. The food needs turning. This method is sutibale for frying pan cakes, lver, omellettes, fish, plantain, meat etc. b)For sauteing, a small amountof fat is used. The fat will be absorbed by the food which is lightly tossed into it. This method is used for the preliminary cooking of soups, stews and sauces. 2) Dry Frying This is suitbale for oily food which gives out enough of its own oil heated, e.g bacon. 3) Deep, French or wet Frying A deep strong sauce pan is usedf and the fat should be enough to cover the food to be fried. As the oil seals up the outside, it also prevents it from becoming falored. This methdo ensures that the food is evenly cooked.

Health and Wellness

Daily Meals There are three main groups of foods ; 1) Body-building foods e.g proteins. 2) Energy-giving foods e.g carbohydrates and fats. 3) Protective foods e.g minerals and vitamins. Foods we eat daily must be from each one of the above-mentioned groups, so as to ensure the supply of the required nutrients in the most digestible form. A minimum of three meals ought to be eaten every day. It is imperative that a meal be eaten in the morning for energy to start the day's work. Eat fruit every day, particularly in the morning. This stimulates bowel action. Ensure you select foods in season for quality and cost effectiveness. Breakfast -This is the first meal of the day. The quantity largely depends on the requirements of the individual. Mid-day and evening meals - The size and character will vary with the individual and family. Meals for children- Children require more body-building food than adults for the daily upkeep and growth of their bodies: eggs, fish, meat, beans and peas...

Health and Wellness

Water Water makes up approximately two-thirds of the body's composition. It is present in every cell and tissue and is important in regulating body processes. Digestion, assimilation, regulation of heat(body temperature), and elimination of wastes are all dependent upon water consumed as such, through that taken as beverages and other fluids, and through that held in foods, particularly fruits and vegetables.