Health and Wellness
Source of Nutrients(Proteins)
There are two sources of proteins-animal proteins and vegetable proteins.
1) Animal proteins comes from meat, poultry, fish, eggs and cheese.
2) Vegetable proteinscomes from pulse foods-beans, peas-nuts and unpolished cereals.
This nuttrient functions mainly build up, replace and repair the body tissue. It is very good for children growing up, while adults require it to a lesser extent.
Composition of Proteins
Proteins are composed of amino acid units of different kinds and in different arrangements.
There are 10 amino acids which cannot be produced by the body, but which must be supplied in the diet.
These are essential amino acids and they could be found in animal proteins, while a certain number are present in vegetable proteins.
The mixture of animal and vegetable proteins will result in the correct amount of amino acids.
It is also useful to a great extent for pregnant women and for them during lactation, convalescents, infants, adolescents and nursing mothers. Soya beans are rich in high quality vegetable protein. They contain all the essential amino acids.
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